Peter Williams

Peter Williams respected Canadian astrologer serves international clientele specializing in relationship analysis, career, personal health, relocation and financial forecasting.

Character is destiny.

Why should I consult a professional astrologer?
Astrology is an indispensable means to help you to understand yourself, others in your life and to make better informed decisions at life’s crossroads. Astrology has a great deal to say about the dynamics of relationships in marriage, business, and friendships and between parent and child.
The purpose of astrology , or astro-analysis, is twofold:
- To reveal character, one’s basic needs, personality and inherent abilities or lack of; and
- Forecasting is the reasonable prediction of the timing of events. Astrology is the ‘insight in time’. 50% of success is in the timing.
Astrology is the only discipline that has both language and insight into the fate versus free will paradox. To reap the many benefits from Astrology, you need a professional Astrologer to read and interpret your chart
Astrology is an extremely complex subject, just as are you. The only thing more complex than a human is two of them trying to get along.

Zodiac, in astrology and astronomy, is a belt around the heavens on either side of the Sun’s annual path through the constellations. The orbits of the moon and of the principal planets also lie entirely within the zodiac. A house in astrology is coincidentally similar to a clock. The zodiac is divided into twelve individual segments, or houses, each one being ruled by a different astrological sign. The zodiac begins with the first house, which is represented by the sign of Aries and goes counter clockwise around. Each house is associated with a set of traits, beginning from the self, and expanding outward into society and beyond. At the moment you were born, the planets were all in specific signs and houses. This determines your birth chart and your unique personal traits. Place your mouse over the House to reveal more information.

The First House
The 1st. House =

The Second House
The 2nd. House =

The Third House
The 3rd. House =

The Fourth House
The 4th. House =

The Fifth House
The 5th. House =

The Sixth House
The 6th. House =

The Seventh House
The 7th. House =

The Eighth House
The 8th. House =

The Ninth House
The 9th. House =

The Tenth House
The 10th. House =

The Eleventh House
The 11th. House =

The Twelveth House
The Twelveth House =
The following describes the influence of the Planets in Astrology, which will help you understand your own forecast.
What is the effect of the planets on your chart? In Astrology we use the term ‘ruled by’ which means ‘associated with’. Each planet is in your personal chart. The location of the planet in your chart is determined by its orbital position at the time of your birth, and the direct angle of the planet to the exact place of your birth. Each planet represents or is associated with particular characteristics in our personalities and our lives.
The Sun represents your basic nature or ‘raison d’etre’. It is the center of our solar system and of our life. It is our life force, our central creative urge. It is our sense of pride, our need for recognition, and our self-esteem. The Sun is how we define fun, our degree of risk taking and our need to reproduce. The Sun also defines our creative urge. The location of the Sun, placement in one of the 12 houses of the Zodiac, in our natal birth chart, will define the dominant area in our life. It determines the area in our life where we need to shine, excel, be recognized and get respect. The Sun is the biggest card in your deck!
I am very attracted to gambling and speculation. When I was a young child, I would bet my allowance with friends as to which bird sitting on a fence would fly away first! Regretfully, other aspects in my chart determine that gambling is not good for me, even though I love it! Through Astrology, I have learned to accept this reality and control my instinct with mature resignation.
The degree to which this area of your life is frustrated or blocked will be the focus of your anger and rebellion.

Below are a number of frequently asked questions. We hope that after reading these, the questions will pique your interest in Astrology and make you want to learn more!

Astrology establishes the relationships that bind the diverse parts of the universe into an organic whole. It is also an art – the art of interpreting the effects of these relationships upon the behavior of individuals of groups, nations or any entity (like a sporting event), whose origins can be traced to a point in time and space. From the human perspective, Astrology is the language of genetics. Astrology is a system of universal logic. It is neither a cult nor religion, requiring no leap of faith. The question often arises. “Do you believe in Astrology?” This is like asking “Do you believe in geometry?” Since Astrology is essentially a scientific discipline that is based on mathematics.
It requires a definition of terms which we have included on this website for your reference.
How does Astrology work? We simply do not know! A dissertation on some theories involving electromagnetism and quantum physics are beyond the needs of most people. What is clear is that Astrology does not contradict the known laws of physics or math. It is much like what is not understood in modern science, like not knowing how electricity or gravity “works”. How did the spider learn the amazing geometry of its web? How does the homing pigeon return home? There are thousands of unknowns in nature. Since the Hubble telescope, Astronomers are changing their scientific estimate of the age of our universe every 10 minutes. The universe is like TV, there are many channels out there, we simply do not tune into all of them.
As above – so below, everything is connected!
This map depicts their positions in relation to the specific location on the earth (longitude and latitude) where you were born, at the specific time of your birth. That is why an Astrologer requires the exact location, date and time of your birth to prepare an accurate horoscope. Your horoscope is a picture of the solar system from your viewpoint and portrays your unique outlook in life.
Change what you can, accept what you can’t and let astrology show you the difference.
The fundamental or prime purpose of Astrology is not to predict, but to reveal character! Astrology is fortune telling in the same sense that the science of statistics is fortune telling as a method predicting results. Both Astrologers and statisticians deal with the laws of probability and help to predict the outcome of a given situation. For example, if a young woman is 6’ tall with a large frame we can safely predict she will not be a ballerina. No matter how well she dances and how much she loves to dance, she doesn’t fit the profile.
Astro-analysis like psychoanalysis reveals (from birth) the existence of innate tendencies and predispositions. Both postulate that your character shapes your destiny – character is destiny! This is to say that excluding ‘acts of God’ (earthquake, wars, famine) the things that happen to you happen because of what is ‘within’ you. By increasing your understanding of the law of cause and effect, Astrology enables you to speculate about the future, often with a high degree of accuracy.
To contradict a popular adage “what you do not know will not hurt you”, ignorance is decidedly not bliss. If you and your mate are going through a rough time, wouldn’t it help to have an idea of how long this cycle will last, not to mention some insight as to why it is occurring. It is sensible to plan for the future. There are predictable life cycles in career, relationships and health. Did you know that moving a significant distance east or west from your place of birth can dramatically change your life, for better or worse, because your horoscope
(personal chart) changes?
If you decide to reap the maximum benefits from Astrology, you need a professional Astrologer to read your chart.
Astrology is an extremely complex subject, just as you are. There is only one thing more complex than a human being that is two human beings in a relationship. There is only one thing more complex than a human being that is two people in a relationship. It takes many years of study, practice and life experience to successfully interpret a horoscope. Much like any other professions, your doctor, dentist, teacher, mechanic or spiritual leader, not all Astrologers are equal, competent or suited to your needs.
When choosing your Astrologer keep in mind Psychics are not astrologers, your chart cannot be read on a 20 minute phone call, it takes hours to prepare, forget the 800 line. Ask your Astrologer for references. You can choose an Astrologer that lives in another area, many Astrologers have long distance clients, you can easily communicate through email, phone, and Skype. Interview your perspective Astrologer, ask all your questions and establish clear expectations.
Don’t expect your Astrologer to have the answers to all of your questions. But do expect your Astrologer to have more answers than you do. The role of the Astrologer is to provide you with more information to make decisions.